Thursday, January 21, 2016


As the Ubique 300 mission in Malaysia comes to a close, it was a fitting gesture to get the Director of Artillery to sign the scroll as an acknowledgement of the baton's journey, as well as to put on record his participation in the greetings. Lt. Robbie Lee Knowles RA accompanied by Maj Rama and Maj Ganeson dropped in to the Director's office for a courtesy call. With typical Malaysian hospitality, warm greetings and informal chats were held. It was indeed a meaningful final moment before the baton left our shores to Brunei. "FAREWELL THEE, THE QUEEN'S BATON, AND SAFE JOURNEY ONWARDS TO THE REST OF THE WORLD".
The Director Artillery with his staff officers taking a pose
Lt Robbie chatting over tea

Discussing the fine details of the historical baton

The Scroll with the Director's endorsement below left


  1. It was indeed a memorable event that will be well remembered by the senior veteran gunners who attended the luncheon at the Royal Chulan 0n the 13th of January 2016. I am so proud to be a gunner.

  2. Thank you all who had made the arrangements for us to participate in the Unique 300 Baton's visit to Malaysia. I felt proud as a Gunner who had been part of RA's 300 years. It was nice to see and hold the Baton as it was so meaningful to all of us who are Gunners.
    Once a Gunner always a Gunner.
    Allen Lai

    1. Keen to be in Larkhill on 26th May 2016 Sir? I am planning depart 23rd, return 28th. Own costs, of course.
