Almost a hundred old timers, and some with their wives gathered as early as 1100hrs to meet up for lunch at Wisma Sri Kajang. The CO and Officers/SNCOs played joint host with the Gunners Club to allow a meeting up of these folks who came from Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, KL, and also elsewhere. Maj. Jais as the Zone Head, was the prime mover to gather the flock, ably assisted by some very dedicated retired other ranks. The Regiment did a splendid job on all the arrangements. The lunch was superb and came with an entertainment live Combo. The whole event was lively with lots of memories shared. After the lunch, a short meeting was held to allow the CO of 1Arty Para to outline the Golden Jubilee Celebrations preparations. Brig Gen Dato'Abdul Hadi as the VP of the Club then did the honours of thanking the CO and the Regiment for their hospitality on behalf of the veterans. Maj Ganeson as Club Secretary detailed a short presentation of the club and also drove the membership campaign. It was a very memorable event, andit is also the pre-cursor for the Gunners Club Road Show. Similar events are planned for all the zones throughout Malaysia. As the CO mentioned of requirements for funds to run the celebrations, an immediate on the spot collection as suggested by one of the participants, started the ball rolling. More than RM1,800 was collected. More money was pledged and some even pledged their RM500 bonus at the end of this year.
I would also like to take this opportunity to request all past gunners to step forward and contribute. The Golden Jubillee Celebrations is a once in a lifetime event and is certain to be the Pride of the Regiment.